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Understanding Those Guilty Feelings

Guilty feelings can come in like a flood, and sometimes they’re especially menacing because you don’t know why you’re having them. Have you ever felt responsible, but you can’t pinpoint why, and you have no idea how to rid yourself of those destructive emotions? In Understanding Those Guilty Feelings, Dr. Stanley discusses the source and nature of guilt, how to handle it, and what God says in His Word. If you need relief from your guilt, then this is one sermon you won’t want to miss.

Charles F. Stanley March 19, 2021

Guilty feelings can come in like a flood, and sometimes they’re especially menacing because you don’t know why you’re having them. Have you ever felt responsible, but you can’t pinpoint why, and you have no idea how to rid yourself of those destructive emotions? In Understanding Those Guilty Feelings, Dr. Stanley discusses the source and nature of guilt, how to handle it, and what God says in His Word. If you need relief from your guilt, then this is one sermon you won’t want to miss.

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