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TV Sermon

The Pursuit

Dr. Stanley talks about the determination necessary to pursue and exhibit a humble spirit—especially in the face of opposition.

March 15, 2025

Dr. Stanley talks about the determination necessary to pursue and exhibit a humble spirit—especially in the face of opposition. The world is very quick to criticize and judge any outward evidence of obedience to God and His principles. Determination is also needed to withstand the attempts of others to accuse and humiliate.

Sermon Outline

Pursuing a goal takes energy, focus, and determination. Today, Dr. Stanley talks about a unique goal: humility. Its self-effacing nature means that while we likely won’t know when we’ve achieved it, God will.

Key Passage: Ephesians 4:1-3

Supporting Passages: Philippians 2:3; Colossians 3:12-14; James 1:21; 1 Peter 5:5-7

God has individual goals for each of us as well as universal goals—things He wants every one of His children to achieve.

►“God gives us some very definite reasons why the pursuit of humility is so important.”

The heavenly Father wants His children to have a spirit of humility (Eph. 4:1-3).

  • While humility—the attitude of servanthood and total dependence on God—is a goal, there’s no way to identify when we’ve reached it.

  • A helpful acronym to remember is J.O.Y. (Jesus first, others second, yourself last).

  • Humility is not weakness—it is a vital Christian trait.

  • Our lifestyle should be consistent with the One we are following (Col. 3:12-14).

  • Humility means doing nothing out of selfishness or empty conceit (Phil. 2:3).

Humility is vital because …

  • It directs our thoughts to the needs of others (v. 3).

  • Without it, we cannot understand the true meaning of God’s Word (James 1:21).

  • “Clothing ourselves” in daily humility prepares us for what is ahead and changes our attitude (1 Pet. 5:5-7).

  • “Putting on” humility helps us choose how we’ll respond to life (Col. 3:12).

  • We have a responsibility to allow God to develop a humble spirit within us.

►“What motivates real, genuine humility is not the reiteration of past guilt and sin but the constant reiteration of the grace and mercy of God.”

Here are seven terms that help us understand what’s required to achieve humility:

  1. Death to Self—Refusing to put ourselves first.

  2. Devotion—Giving ourselves away to others.

  3. Delight—Rejoicing over the good that comes to others.

  4. Dependence—Leaning on God in every circumstance.

  5. Directing—Placing our thoughts continually upon the goodness, grace, and kindness of God.

  6. Distance—Separating ourselves from things that appeal to our pride.

  7. Determination—Obeying God even when doing so brings criticism and accusation.

After Watching

  • Reflect on J.O.Y.—the acronym Dr. Stanley offered in today’s message. Are there areas in life where your priorities are in a different order? Ask the Lord to help you achieve the healthier balance He desires.

  • Which of the seven key terms for pursuing humility speaks to you the most? Which poses the biggest challenge?

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