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TV Sermon

The Promise

Dr. Stanley references chapter 5 of First Peter to outline some of God's promises in relation to humility.

March 22, 2025

Dr. Stanley examines some of God’s promises in relation to humility. Some of our responsibilities as believers are outlined in Chapter 5 of First Peter, where we learn that our humble efforts can be a doorway to grace and provide freedom from anxiety. As we see how to cast our concerns on our heavenly Father, we can walk in daily peace and contentment.

Sermon Outline

God made a promise in the book of 1 Peter that will change how we think about humility. He wants to see us uplifted—but it must be on His terms. In this week’s message, Dr. Stanley explains the importance of surrender as we wait for God’s blessings.

Key Passage: 1 Peter 5:5-7

God makes conditional and unconditional promises in His Word. Many in the New Testament are conditional; they require us to fulfill a requirement in order to receive what’s promised.

The conditional promise of 1 Peter 5:6 tells us that …

  • We must humble ourselves, submit to Christ as our sovereign ruler, and obey His commands.

  • God must be the One to exalt us.

  • It must be in His timing.

►“Pray, ‘God, am I the one who wants to exalt myself? Or is this something You want to do?’”

The “mighty hand of God” is …

  • An Old Testament symbol for His activity in the world.

  • A sign of His absolute omnipotence.

  • A source of goodness, love, discipline, and mercy for the believer.

There are three reasons we should humble ourselves before God:

  1. Who He is—He is God, and He deserves our reverence, respect, and submission.

  2. His desire to exalt us—He wants to give us privilege and blessings, but if we exalt ourselves, He will bring about our humility.

  3. His care for us—Even when we don’t like God’s requirements, it’s best to do what He asks. Keep in mind that He cares and may be waiting for us to surrender to Him.

The key to humility is to …

  • Submit our will and ways to God.

  • Do our best wherever God places us.

  • Trust God and wait for Him to work.

People exalt themselves for many reasons, including …

  1. Impatience.

  2. Insecurity.

  3. Identity.

  4. Ignorance of God’s ways.

  5. Ignoring God’s will.

  6. Impulsivity.

  7. Impure motives.

  8. Ingratitude.

►“When we humble ourselves before God and surrender to His timing, we’ll have to hunt for something to be anxious about.”

It’s important to remember that …

  • True surrender means all our worries are cast upon God (vv. 6-7).

  • The quietness of spirit we experience in Him may feel unnatural at first.

  • He is more than sufficient to take care of us.

After Watching

  • When you picture the “mighty hand of God” (v. 6), does it make you think of things like His love, protection, and kindness? This week, find a verse to remind yourself that God’s will toward you is good. Then post it where you’ll see it every day.

  • Dr. Stanley gave his list of reasons that people exalt themselves. Which one gives you the most trouble? Rather than feel discouraged, try naming the opposite and praying it would grow in your spirit. (For inspiration, review the fruit of the Holy Spirit in Galatians 5:22-23.)

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