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TV Sermon

The Courage to Keep Going

How do we gain the courage to never give up even when facing persistent hardship?

August 31, 2024

We often feel tempted to quit when we're in the middle of such difficult circumstances, but giving up is not consistent with who we are as followers of Jesus Christ. Dr. Stanley shares how the apostle Paul is a perfect example of someone who never gave up despite persistent difficulty and hardship.

Sermon Outline

We all need encouragement at times, especially when hardships weigh us down. That’s why it helps to remember the endurance Paul had when doing the Lord’s work. In this week’s sermon, Dr. Stanley explains how that strength is available to us, too.

Key Passage: 2 Timothy 4:1-8

Supporting Passages: Psalm 32:8; Proverbs 3:5-6; Acts 13:47; 2 Corinthians 11:22-27; Galatians 6:14; Philippians 1:12; Philippians 1:21; Philippians 4:13

How do you respond in painful situations? Even when tempted to give up and walk away, we must remember that, as God’s people, we’re called to a life of patient endurance.

“If you’re in the process of giving up on your marriage, your job, your children, or your finances, ask yourself, ‘Does quitting fit who I am as a follower of Jesus?’”

When God has called you to do something …

  • It’s not the time to give up and quit.

  • There is an answer or a solution for whatever it is God wants to do in your life.

  • You should do it until He calls you to do something else.

What were Paul’s motivations to keep going?

  1. The awareness of God’s presence

    • Paul experienced many trials (2 Cor. 11:23-27).

    • Even when times are tough, we—like the apostle—must believe and say that the Lord is with us (Heb. 13:5). If we doubt God, our strength might waver.

  2. The experience of God’s strength

    • When we feel weak, we’re more likely to quit. This is why Jesus gave us the Holy Spirit.

    • For any situation in life, we have the same strength Paul had—that of Almighty God.

  3. The assurance of God’s will

    • Paul knew the Father had sent him to preach the gospel. That gave him great persistence.

    • To be able to “keep on keeping on,” we must know that we’re doing what God says to do (Ps. 32:8; Prov. 3:5-6).

  4. The overflowing joy that results from obedience

    • Paul was able to rejoice because he knew he was in the Father’s will. (See Phil. 4:4.)

    • God wants the best for His children and will turn all things to our good if we respond rightly.

  5. The life-changing lessons God teaches

    • Paul went to Arabia to hear directly from the Lord. What he learned there helped him write much of the New Testament.

    • Instead of quitting, we can think about how sharing what we learn can help others.

  6. The reward God promised

    • Raising children, working hard, sharing our faith, and giving to the Lord’s work delight our heavenly Father.

    • There’s never a legitimate reason for believers to give up on something God is calling them to do.

  7. The vision of the cross

    • Paul attributed everything he had to the work done on the cross of Jesus Christ (Gal. 6:14).

    • God does not overlook our obedience and willingness to “keep on keeping on.”

  8. Love and devotion to Jesus Christ

    • Paul said that for him, to live was for Christ to live in and through him (Phil. 1:21).

    • When people meet us, they need to see Christ in us.

Difficult times require a choice to live courageously.

  • We can’t give up. Instead, we must believe God will do what He says.

  • We can pray, “Lord, I’m going to trust Your promise never to leave me. I believe You always tell the truth.”

After Watching

  • Recite Psalm 28:7, Isaiah 40:29, or 2 Thessalonians 3:3 aloud when you’re feeling weak, and meditate on the strength that’s yours in Christ.

  • What life-changing lesson are you learning about God through a current challenge? Encourage yourself by reflecting on that truth.

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