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TV Sermon

The Courage To Face Opposition

Take Noah as an example and gain the boldness to surrender to God's will for your life.

August 10, 2024

Noah because of the servant’s righteousness—instructing him to build an ark to protect his family from the coming flood. Dr. Stanley talks about the boldness Noah needed to obey God during this godless time and complete such a daunting task. Trust in God and He will do the same for you as He did for Noah.

Sermon Outline

God sometimes asks difficult things of His children—and He rewards those who follow through. This week, Dr. Stanley explores the foundation for Noah’s boldness and encourages us to develop similar bravery.

Key Passage: Genesis 6:5-22

Supporting Passage: Genesis 7:1

Courage is an essential quality in the life of a believer. We must be able to stand strong when challenged.

► “Be courageous; don’t be afraid. Don’t back up. Be bold. Step forth.”

Noah’s story is relevant to us today because …

  • He was surrounded by great depravity while trying to do good.

  • People probably jeered at Noah while he was working, but he courageously continued to be obedient to God until the ark was completed.

► “If you say, ‘I don’t know that I’ve ever heard God speak to me,’ then I plead with you in Jesus’ name to get on your knees and tell God, ‘Lord, I want to hear from You.’”

We can build courage using the same foundation Noah trusted. The basis of his courage was …

  1. His absolute assurance that he had heard from God.

  2. An awareness of God’s presence.

  3. The clarity of God’s instructions.

  4. His experience of God’s strength.

  5. The warning of God’s coming judgment, which he believed.

  6. The understanding that he had God’s favor and that each time he obeyed, God blessed him.

  7. His intimate relationship with God.

  8. The promise God had made about his future.

► “It takes courage to do what God calls you to do, to walk away from what He wants you to walk away from, to give what He wants you to give, and to surrender what He wants you to surrender.”

It takes courage to obey God:

  • When He commands us to do something difficult, it can be hard to follow through. However, He will give us the courage we need.

  • Noah’s calling was to build an ark. Ours will be something else. But God will help us no matter the task. Why? Simply because He loves us.

After Watching

  • Have you ever faced opposition in response to obeying God? What did you learn from the experience?

  • Is there something you feel God is asking you to do? Something He wants you to surrender? Pray and ask that He would make His will clear.

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