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TV Sermon

How to Protect Our Peace

Rise above your circumstances and gain a sense of permanent peace that comes only from Jesus Christ.

September 28, 2024

Do you only experience peace as a fleeting moment of calm—quickly evaporated by the hard realities of your life? Dr. Stanley explains that we don't have to allow our circumstances to determine our level of peace. Learn how to access and protect the peace that Jesus promised His disciples.

Sermon Outline

Even as we grow in the Lord, we can become disillusioned by the pain and heartaches of this world. Our once-perfect peace in the Savior erodes, leaving us wondering what happened. In today’s sermon, Dr. Stanley explains how anxiety takes over—and the steps we can take to prevent that from happening.

Key Passage: Philippians 4:4-7

Supporting Passages: John 14:27; 1 John 5:14-15

Would you say your life is characterized by peace or by anxiety and worry, even to the point of anger?

“God’s peace is not dependent upon any particular circumstance in our life because the peace He gives is beyond and above our circumstances.”

The peace of God …

  • Comes when you accept Jesus as your Lord and Savior.

  • Is truly possible to attain (Phil. 4:6-7).

  • Is the absence of worry, doubt, and fear.

  • May include concern but not an unhealthy level of anxiety.

  • Is not promised to anyone living outside the will of God.

Concern becomes unhealthy anxiety when …

  • You’re more concerned about what you desire than God’s will.

  • You’re hurried into making unwise decisions.

  • You’re constantly agitated about a situation.

“Paul says, ‘Be anxious for nothing.’ That doesn’t mean you escape from reality, retreat from responsibility, or have no trials.”

Your peace in Christ—despite all the difficulties of life—is protected through …

  • The choice to live obediently and to experience His peace.

  • Daily conversations with God and meditation on His Word (Phil. 4:6).

  • Prayers of supplication, in which you cry out to God about desperate matters (v. 6).

  • Prayers of thanksgiving that take your mind off the problem and recall God’s past blessings and faithfulness.

  • Prayers of intercession. These are specific bold requests (v. 6) offered with awareness that God hears and grant petitions made in accordance with His will (1 John 5:14-15).

“When you get hit with something, bring it to God! Bring it to the Father immediately, and you will not lose your peace.”

God’s peace …

  • Was promised by Jesus (John 14:27).

  • Will guard your heart and mind (Phil. 4:7).

  • Is found in Christ—for believers (v. 7).

  • Differs from the satisfaction that comes from money, position, power, or praise.

  • Is a gift you can enjoy no matter the circumstances.

  • Will replace any initial blip of anxiety if you immediately take the situation to God in prayer.

After Watching

  • Try Dr. Stanley’s challenge: Review your life and look for an area of concern that you think God can’t handle. Pray that He would help you have greater confidence, and then release that worry to Him.

  • Are you “stuck in the mud” when it comes to a problem you’re facing? Read Psalm 121 and lift your eyes to the One who is your greatest helper and protector.

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