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A Call For Courage

When we’re afraid and don’t know what to do, the Lord will encourage us if we trust Him.

August 17, 2024

We learn to respond to the tests and trials of life by facing each new challenge with courage and faith in God. When we’re afraid and don’t know what to do, the Lord will encourage us if we trust Him. Dr. Stanley depicts through the life of Gideon how God walked him through challenges and rewarded his courage and obedience.

Sermon Outline

Life is full of moments that require bravery, but what if we don’t feel up to the task? This week, Dr. Stanley shares how greatly God moved in the life of Gideon, a man who lacked courage.

Key Passage: Judges 6:1-40; Judges 7:1-25

Supporting Passage: Hebrews 13:5

When there is a call for fortitude in our life, God will often encourage us in a way that’s beyond what we’d expect.

► “Whatever you’re facing in life, God has something He intends to bring out of it that is very good.”

When we, like Gideon, receive a call from God but feel totally unprepared for it, remember …

  • Whatever He calls us for, He has already equipped us to do.

  • Whether or not we are capable is the Lord’s determination to make, not ours.

  • He understands we sometimes need courage we don’t have.

  • Regardless of how we feel, God knows what He is going to do in our life.

  • A situation may look impossible, but the Lord can bring about a resolution.

  • He promises us His presence and power to accomplish His plan.

► “God and you together can be victorious no matter what.”

With God, you are always well-equipped to be victorious. When the odds seem unfavorable, remember …

  • Who you are and what God has said to you.

  • His promise never to forsake you.

  • You have the guidance and direction of the indwelling Holy Spirit.

► “Sometimes God will do things in your life that are totally unreasonable. But if it’s of God, it works.”

There are five things to remember when you lack courage:

  1. Don’t underestimate what God can do in and through you.

  2. God will always be with you in whatever He calls you to do.

  3. He’s ready to give you assurance when you doubt.

  4. His ways are often surprising and challenging, but they are always the best and most successful.

  5. He always works in a way that brings Him glory.

After Watching

  • How do you feel when faced with a daunting command from God? Review Dr. Stanley’s five reminders so that next time you feel discouraged, you can strengthen yourself in the Lord.

  • What part of Gideon’s story do you relate to most? His doubt? His instinct to hide? His desire to obey despite his fear? Pray for God to show you His power and love, as He did for Gideon.

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