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Montalcino in Tuscany, Italy. Photo by Charles F. Stanley.
Daily Devotion

Our Eternal Rewards

God sees and rewards each act of obedience to Him.

March 26, 2025

1 Corinthians 3:5-15

Have you ever thought about the Lord as your Rewarder? Scripture tells us He honors something as simple as offering a cup of cold water (Matthew 10:42) or as momentous as dying a martyr’s death for Christ. Nothing will be overlooked by our loving Savior.

In Matthew 25:21, we see these rewards described as praise from God, increased responsibility in the kingdom, and sharing in the joy of Christ. The Scriptures also speak of several crowns which God will give to those who have faithfully lived for Jesus rather than for themselves. The more obediently we have lived for the Savior, the greater will be our capacity to reflect His glory for all eternity.

Our greatest reward will be the Lord Himself. Our relationship with Him will be absolutely perfect, with no sin ever coming between us. As much as we enjoy the Lord on earth, communing with Him will prove even richer and more satisfying in heaven.

What we do in this life will determine, to a great degree, how God blesses us in the life to come. If we live for Him now, we’ll eventually have the privilege of laying our crowns at His feet. May we live each day on earth as an opportunity to invest for eternity.

Bible in One Year: 1 Samuel 10-12    

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