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Photo by Charles F. Stanley.
Daily Devotion

While All Is Silence

Though today may be hard, remember that joy is coming.

April 8, 2023

Matthew 28:1-10

Today is Holy Saturday. The events of Good Friday—the trial, the scourging, the crucifixion, and the signs and wonders that followed—are complete (Matt. 27:33-54). Now, in place of all that, is silence. Those who witnessed these events must have felt hopeless. Jesus, the One whom they loved and who had loved them so well in return, was in a tomb. 

But not for much longer. 

Early Sunday morning two inconsolable women went to complete Jesus’ burial preparation, which had been left unfinished because of the Sabbath. Yet in an instant, their mourning was turned to joy. An angel greeted them, saying, “He is not here, for He has risen, just as He said” (28:6). 

Their original task forgotten, the women ran to tell the disciples. And on the way, they saw the Messiah—as if Jesus had never been gone! There He was, breathing and smiling and very much alive, bearing the scars of His passion. 

Tomorrow, their joy will be ours once again as we celebrate Christ’s resurrection. Tomorrow, we will sing of His triumph over sin and the grave. But today, we dwell in the silence. Let us focus our heart and mind on what occurred behind that heavy stone and know it was accomplished for us.

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