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Photo by Charles F. Stanley.
Daily Devotion

What We Lose, What We Gain

Surrender makes it possible for God's fruit to blossom in our life.

September 12, 2023

Luke 14:25-33

Yesterday, we talked about giving control of our life to God and what we gain as a result. But now let’s go a step further and ask, How do we know whether we are wholly surrendered? We are fully yielded when …

  • We say, “No matter what, Lord, Your will be done.” We start by acknowledging His right to be in control of our life. Then we follow, even if we don’t fully understand His reasons for where He is leading us.

  • We stop bargaining with God. As sinners saved by grace, we have no reason to negotiate with God. He redeemed us with the shed blood of His Son and made us part of His family. Our allegiance to Him must be wholehearted.

  • We let go of everything in order to receive from the Lord. Absolute surrender means we willingly give up our independence and personal preferences (Matt. 10:39). By doing so, we position ourselves to be truly useful to the Lord and to experience deep fellowship with Him. Because we are an open channel ready for God’s use, nothing obstructs the flow of His Spirit through our life and work. It won’t necessarily be easy, but we will always receive more than we’re asked to give up.

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