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Gufudalur Church, Skagastrond, Iceland. Photo by Charles F. Stanley.
Daily Devotion

Walking in the Spirit

The Holy Spirit supplies everything we need in order to follow Christ.

March 2, 2025

Galatians 5:16-25

The Holy Spirit is one of God’s most precious gifts to His beloved children. The Spirit takes up residence within believers at the moment of salvation and empowers each one to overcome sin and live for God’s glory. (See John 15:26-27.) However, the Holy Spirit’s power can be hindered or ignored.

Walking by the Spirit denotes reliance upon Him. He leads the way and we follow. As He speaks, we listen, heed His warnings, and obey His directions. His way is a path of surrender, which, though sometimes difficult, leads to fullness of life. God’s Holy Spirit not only guides but also enables us, supplying everything needed for living righteously and producing His remarkable fruit in us (Gal. 5:22-23).

Being led by the Spirit should be the natural lifestyle of all sons and daughters of God. We should intentionally seek to maintain an awareness of His presence throughout the day. As we do, He makes us sensitive to the things of God and provides understanding about the situations and people in our life.

Take a walk with the Spirit today. Learn to recognize His voice by spending time in the Word and in prayer. Focus your thoughts on Him, asking for His guidance and looking expectantly for His leading.

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