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Melk Abbey, Melk, Austria. Photo by Charles F. Stanley.
Daily Devotion

Waiting for God to Answer

If you feel that sin is hindering your prayers, remember that God is merciful and will always forgive.

July 24, 2024

Psalm 17:1-6

Yesterday we learned several reasons why a prayer might seem to go unanswered. Today, let’s think about times when our heart is right and our petition is in line with the Lord’s will but He remains silent.

God may be waiting because our longing for Him is in danger of being replaced by our desire for something else. Unless we’re careful, such desires could divert our attention from the Lord. So He could be waiting for our focus to return to Him.

At other times, God uses delays to prepare us for greater blessing or future service. He could be protecting us from consequences, or He may want to strengthen our trust. Strong faith means believing Him even in trials, persevering while awaiting an answer, and being confident that He always keeps His promises.

But keep in mind that unconfessed sin hinders our prayers. So if an answer seems “on hold,” it’s wise to examine ourselves. God promises to forgive us if we acknowledge and turn away from wrongdoing. That will remove any “static” blocking the communication line between us and our Father. Then we will be able to hear His voice and obediently carry out whatever He asks.

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