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Photo by Charles F. Stanley.
Daily Devotion

The Wisdom of Waiting on God

Waiting for God’s timing allows us to experience the blessings of His perfect plan.

July 1, 2021

Psalm 130

During hard times, it’s easy to wonder why the Lord is taking so long to bring relief. Like the psalmist, we cry to God “out of the depths” for help (Psalm 130:1), but as time drags on, we may be tempted to take matters into our own hands. Believers, however, are not to operate as the world does, determining a course of action based on human reasoning or the example of others. Instead, our guidance is to come from God, and our hope is to be in His Word (Psalm 130:5-6).

It’s important that we cooperate with Him so the time spent waiting will prove productive and beneficial. God can use such “holding patterns” to reveal sinful behaviors or thinking and to develop new heart attitudes. Waiting can also provide an opportunity to deepen our trust and dependence on Him. And when we follow God’s timetable, He gives us the grace to endure difficult situations with confidence and peace. It’s a blessing to know we’re where God wants us and He’s promised to take care of us.

If you’re in God’s waiting room, remember that He is your hope—and in His time He will move you forward.

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