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Photo by Charles F. Stanley.
Daily Devotion

The Touch That Transforms

We may not be able to heal people as Jesus did, but we can serve them.

June 11, 2022

Matthew 28:18-20
If you look up the word touch in a concordance, you’ll discover that many instances involve Jesus. Throughout the Gospels, people were healed of sickness, infirmities, and disabilities when the Lord touched them. But His touch reached beyond the physical to their spiritual needs.
Today, we frequently see the word touch in the context of scandal, impropriety, or immorality. Yet ministry requires hands that reach out to help and serve while we also verbally proclaim the good news of Christ. We touch lives not just by telling others about Jesus but also by showing them genuine love and compassion.
Our hearts, mouths, and hands should be operating together to accomplish the world-changing mission of the church. When we join together as a body of believers, we affect lives through the power of prayer, the ministry of the Word, discipleship, and fellowship. All are required as the church calls the lost to salvation and equips believers for the work of service.
Jesus touched lives, and as His followers, we must do likewise. How might God touch a heart through you today?
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