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Photo by Charles F. Stanley.
Daily Devotion

The Road to the Manger, and Beyond

God has been writing our salvation story since the beginning of time.

December 23, 2022

Galatians 4:1-7

When looking at a Nativity scene, have you ever thought about what led to that remarkable event? Let’s pause to consider not just Joseph and Mary’s tiring trip to be counted in the census but also the trail blazed through history by God Himself.

The route began in Eden, where blood was first spilled to atone for sin (Gen. 3:21). The temporary solution—animal sacrifice—would suffice until God enacted His permanent plan in the “fullness of time” (Gal. 4:4 ESV). Later, withdrawing protection as Israel turned to false gods, God allowed His own people to be taken captive to Babylon. There, they built synagogues to worship God. When the Babylonians were defeated 70 years later, the Israelites brought home adaptations of Judaism that they’d been practicing. Later, those synagogues hosted men like Paul, who preached and sent letters about the Messiah born in Bethlehem. And today we still use his epistles—and all of Scripture—to lead unbelievers to faith.

Throughout the centuries, some countries erupted into political turmoil and others arose with new ideals. Peoples were displaced and rulers were conquered. Meanwhile God was carving a path to the Holy Land, the perfect cradle for the Messiah. Together, prophecy and history reveal the Lord paved the way from the manger to modern faith, preparing generations to know His Son.

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