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Puez-Odle Nature Park, South Tyrol, Italy. Photo by Charles F. Stanley.
Daily Devotion

The Requirements of a Godly Influence

Are you living according to a God-given conviction that the Bible is true and practical in life?

March 9, 2025

Daniel 1:1-21

Companies often spend millions of dollars to influence people. As believers, we’re involved in a much more important endeavor—capturing hearts for the Lord. If we’re to make an impact, we need to present a consistent witness before others. Having a strong conviction about God’s Word is the foundation of a godly influence; we must believe the Bible is true and practical in our daily experience.

Let’s look at the life of Daniel. In today’s reading, he and his friends refused the king’s food and wine. Why? Because Scripture told them not to eat anything offered to idols—a common practice of the time (Ex. 34:15). Daniel put himself and his friends as well as the chief of the royal officials in danger of death, and all over the issue of food! But he took such action because he knew the Father wanted him to obey, no matter the cost.

If we are to have a godly influence, we must be committed to our convictions. A believer’s life is often the only example of scriptural principles other people will see. So we, like Daniel, must make up our mind to follow God regardless of the circumstances. And like the people in Daniel’s sphere of influence, those you touch will see the work done for the Lord and glorify Him.

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