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Sidestreet in Regensburg, Germany. Photo by Charles F. Stanley.
Daily Devotion

The Problem of Laziness

When we avoid work, we cheat ourselves and others of blessings God wants to give.

October 13, 2024

Proverbs 6:9-11

The book of Proverbs has much to say about individuals who are lazy. They do not think beyond today (Prov. 20:4), wrongly consider themselves wise (Prov. 26:16), and are on a path leading to future poverty (Prov. 10:4).

When people develop a habit of laziness, there is a tendency to avoid tasks they don’t like. This might involve offering excuses or simply failing to seek clarification when a request isn’t clear. Sadly, individuals who act this way often have trouble recognizing what they are doing wrong.

People may fool themselves and even each other, but God is not pleased by shoddy efforts. He has prepared work for us to do and expects it to be handled conscientiously. The Lord knows that the consequences of laziness are serious. At work, there is the possibility of frequent correction and even probation or termination. At home, carelessness can add tension to the atmosphere and build frustration—and in a trickle-down effect, children may start copying their parents’ undesirable habits.

If you’re already a disciplined worker but must interact with people who are not, continue to do your work with diligence and excellence. In addition, pray for patience, and be an example of Christ to those around you (1 Tim. 4:12).

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