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Photo by Charles F. Stanley.
Daily Devotion

The Power of Corporate Prayer

We all need the encouragement, wisdom, and strength that come from seeking the Lord together.

June 2, 2023

2 Chronicles 20:13-30

Yesterday we studied how King Jehoshaphat prayed. Today let’s take a look at the people he prayed with. 

Trouble loomed—Judah’s army paled in comparison to the forces united against them. Jehoshaphat, recognizing his limitations, knew it was essential to call on God for help. So he reached out to his nation, and prayer support came from all across the land (2 Chron. 20:13). 

Sometimes we’re too proud to ask others to pray with us. When that happens, it’s wise to consider Jehoshaphat’s example: Though a king who reigned over his subjects, he nevertheless called on them to join him in seeking divine intervention. Then, when the people of Judah began to pray, God provided His solution through a prophet—and Jehoshaphat had enough humility to listen and follow instructions (vv. 14-21). As a result, his people were saved. The advancing armies turned against each other and destroyed themselves completely. But Judah’s forces suffered zero casualties—all without shooting an arrow or drawing a sword. Their humble king had listened, and they witnessed the Lord’s remarkable victory (vv. 22-30). 

God sometimes says things we’re not expecting to hear. But our life in Christ is most rewarding when the body of Christ listens to Him and cooperates with one another.

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