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Photo by Charles F. Stanley.
Daily Devotion

The Picture of Baptism

Baptism symbolizes that our old sinful nature has been put to death and we’ve been raised to new life in Christ.

June 4, 2022

Acts 8:25-39
Pictures communicate in ways that words cannot, capturing the drama and memory of a significant moment. In a similar way, baptism powerfully illustrates the radical change that occurred in the person’s life at salvation. When we are baptized, we’re identifying ourselves with Jesus Christ, who died for our sins, was buried, and rose again to life.
Plunging beneath the water symbolizes our old self dying and being buried with Christ (Rom. 6:4-6). And coming up out of the water portrays our new life in Christ. Just as the heavenly Father physically raised Jesus from the dead and gave Him life, so He raises each believer in a spiritual way. One day we’ll experience this physically as well—when we’re given glorious new bodies forever free from sin and death.
The image of baptism serves as a reminder of what our Savior has done for us and points to the truth that there is life beyond the grave. Every person who has trusted in Jesus Christ for salvation will live forever in the presence of the Lord.
It’s helpful for unbelieving family and friends to “see” this message in our lives. Have you publicly identified yourself with Jesus through the act of baptism?
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