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Glacier Bay National Park, Alaska. Photo by Charles F. Stanley.
Daily Devotion

The Impact of a Godly Influence

A life of surrender to God isn't always easy—but it's always blessed.

March 10, 2025

Daniel 6:1-28

Daniel had the rare opportunity to influence four kings with godly principles. Remaining true to God often meant putting himself in danger, but he never once wavered in his convictions.

Complete confidence in God’s ability to protect and provide empowered Daniel to make bold decisions. He delivered bad news to rulers, even though such an act could have gotten him killed (Dan. 2:26-44; Dan. 5:17-28). What’s more, he challenged a law requiring him to violate God’s command to worship only Him (6:7-11).

Daniel wasn’t intent on being popular; he was committed to doing what was right in the Lord’s eyes. And when he had to face consequences for choosing the unpopular course of action, he did so with a calm and trusting spirit.

It is tempting to think that if we do what is right, we should be rewarded and protected. But sometimes doing the right thing will get us punished—like Daniel, who was cast into the lions’ den. How we respond is just as important as carrying out God’s will. Our reaction is being watched and evaluated by those in our sphere of influence, who want to see if we really believe our claim that the Lord is in control. God is using our experience and our witness to reach others for the kingdom.

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