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Tuscany, Italy. Photo by Charles F. Stanley.
Daily Devotion

The God to Whom We Pray

As we grow in relationship with our heavenly Father, our requests become bolder.

September 18, 2024

Nehemiah 1:1-11

Nehemiah demonstrates the power of prayer. As a servant to the king of Persia, he had no right to request leave to rebuild Jerusalem’s walls, much less to requisition materials and protection. Yet knowing the God to whom he prayed, Nehemiah did not hesitate to act boldly and ask the king for assistance.

His prayer began, “Please, Lord God of heaven” (Neh. 1:5). Lord, when capitalized this way, means the One “who is eternal in His being”—in other words, Jehovah. When God makes a promise, He knows how He’ll keep it. That’s why Nehemiah called Him “the great and awesome God, who keeps the covenant.”

Another Hebrew name for God is Elohim, meaning “He who is sovereign.” This name refers to the Creator and speaks of His omnipotence. He spoke the world into being, so Nehemiah knew He was more than able to provide all that was needed.

The Bible contains many other names for God, such as Adonai (“master”), Jehovah-Jireh (“provider”), and Jehovah-Rapha (“healer”). Since the Hebrew language is precise, it can help us to better know who the Lord is. Then, we’ll confidently turn to Him in any situation: When we need solace, we call upon the God of comfort; in our confusion, we have the God who teaches. Always remember, the way we view God impacts how we pray.

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