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Photo by Charles F. Stanley.
Daily Devotion

Sunday Reflection: Welcome the Spirit

How will you connect with God today?

March 19, 2023

To get the most out of this devotion, set aside time to read the scriptures referenced throughout.

Imagine that your friends invite you over for dinner one evening. But when you arrive, you find they haven’t set a place for you at the table. It can make for an awkward, disorienting situation. In a way, that’s what it’s like when we say we want to be closer to God but don’t take any steps toward welcoming Him into our daily life.

The good news is that acting on our intentions doesn’t require us to dive into theological study or travel the world in God’s service. Simple spiritual practices—embraced by centuries of believers—are enough to help us experience a richer life in Christ: worship, prayer, meditating on Scripture, and fasting from certain foods or beverages. Integrating each of these things, even if practiced in only brief or small ways, makes space for the Holy Spirit to work in us.

Remember, you’re not responsible for the transformation any more than a farmer is responsible for the sun and rain (John 15:5). Your job, like the soil’s, is to remain ready to receive.

Think about it

• What are some ways you can increase your connection points with God throughout the day? Are there any missed opportunities?

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