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Photo by Charles F. Stanley.
Daily Devotion

Sunday Reflection: To Know and Be Known

Jesus calls us His friend, but we often don't treat Him like one.

May 1, 2022

To get the most out of this devotion, set aside time to read the scriptures referenced throughout.

If you had a friend who called or dropped by your house only when he wanted something—who never reached out to show concern or to see if you needed help—it’s likely that the friendship wouldn’t last long. Why? Because there’s no intimacy there, no true relationship.

We might be tempted to shake our heads at such selfishness, but it’s far too easy to treat God the same way. Sadly, many Christians reach out to Him in prayer only when they lack something or when things are a mess. Life in Christ, however, isn’t just about getting our needs met. It’s about experiencing a personal relationship with the Lord, the “friend who sticks closer than a brother” (Prov. 18:24).

Jesus told His disciples they were no longer slaves but friends (John 15:14-16), and that same promise is true for us today. We can speak to our closest companion—God Himself—at any time and for any reason. He longs to hear from His children, to be approached as the loving Father He is.

Think about it

• How would you describe your relationship with God? Does He feel near? Take time this week to begin speaking with the Lord in a more personal way to build or strengthen that bond.

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