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Photo by Charles F. Stanley.
Daily Devotion

Sunday Reflection: The Blessing of God’s Word

There are many questions that only God can answer, but He's given us His Word to comfort and guide us along the way.

January 12, 2020

Sometimes it’s hard to remember how we survived before smartphones, tablets, and other technology. With so much information at our fingertips, we can instantly discover sports statistics, answers to trivia questions, and even flight arrivals and departures. But really, the yearning for knowledge is an old problem. Back in the days of the prophets, people desired more information and wisdom than was available to them.

The fullness of God’s plan had yet to be revealed. But the men and women of that day trusted in His Word nonetheless, because to trust in God’s Word was to trust in God Himself. It’s possible—and necessary—for us to live the same way today. The Bible is more than a source of comfort or guidance. It’s one of the ways God remains present to us throughout life—and part of fulfilling His promise to never leave or forsake us.

Think About It
•Many of us have heard the phrase talk is cheap, but how do we actually give value to a word or phrase?

•Imagine what it would be like not to know that Christ was the fulfillment of the Old Testament prophecies. Would it be easy to trust in God’s Word? Why or why not?

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