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Photo by Charles F. Stanley.
Daily Devotion

Sunday Reflection: The Blessing of God’s Promise

We can take comfort in God's Word and His promises because they never change.

January 26, 2020

The world around us is always changing, but that isn’t the case with its Creator. Consider God’s love: It’s not simply a trait He possesses but an attribute, an essential aspect of who He is. Everything He says and does flows from the truth that “God is love” (1 John 4:8).

Since God is unchanging, we can rest in His promises. But that doesn’t mean we can expect life to always be easy. Though we’re sure of being redeemed and, ultimately, raised from the dead, Jesus did say life will involve tribulation. If the cost of following Him seems overwhelming, take comfort in this: You’ll never be alone. When you suffer, He’ll suffer with you.

God is always with us, within us. Even when we think He is absent, He’s right there and always been—it’s just that for some reason, our feelings don’t match the truth. So instead of asking if God is present to us, the better question is, Are we being present to Him?  

Think About It
•Of the things God has revealed about Himself in Scripture, which do you find hard to comprehend? Ask Him to teach you more about Himself in those areas.

•If we know it’s true that God is always with us, what does it mean when we say He is “present”? 

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