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Photo by Charles F. Stanley.
Daily Devotion

Sunday Reflection: Listen and Respond With Courage

Remember, taking a risk in God's will is always safer than clinging to safety outside His will.

May 28, 2023

To get the most out of this devotion, set aside time to read the scriptures referenced throughout.

Sometimes God calls us to participate in His mission in unusual or even confusing ways. These situations might ask us to step outside of our normal manner of doing things and take a risk, give sacrificially, inconvenience ourselves, or even suffer for the sake of others. Have you ever felt called to go beyond your routine to do something extraordinary? 

For some Christians, this might look like answering a call to move overseas and share the gospel with unreached people groups. For others, it could mean giving more than usual to help their church or community meet a need. Or perhaps it involves taking a risk to support and come alongside someone who is struggling. Not all of us are called to make big, overt gestures. But we all can try to listen with courage, trusting God to guide us in how we use His gifts—whatever that may look like.

Think about it

• Can you remember a time when God asked you to take a step that made you uncomfortable or even fearful? How did you deal with it? 

• First Corinthians 16:13 (NIV) says, “Be on your guard; stand firm in the faith; be courageous; be strong.” What would it look like to listen to God with courage? 

Bible in One Year: Nehemiah 8-10 

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