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Photo by Charles F. Stanley.
Daily Devotion

Sunday Check-in With Dr. Stanley: The Believer’s Purpose

Our greatest impact on this earth comes from loving and serving others—as Jesus did.

July 16, 2023

Galatians 5:13

Do you ever wonder why you’re here? God’s purpose for every believer is to have a righteous impact on others. You can be a vessel through which Christ overflows—touching those who hurt and desperately need a Savior. Scripture teaches our involvement has two main parts. 

First, we love others. Jesus clearly stated that this was one of the two greatest commandments (Matt. 22:36-40). In fact, the Bible teaches that it’s impossible to love God if we do not love others (1 John 4:20)—and every one of God’s commands is a means to that end (Matt. 22:40).

Second, we serve. We do this by lifting others in prayer, helping people in need, and sharing our resources. Jesus perfectly modeled all three. His life was marked by caring for others—not only those who loved Him but also those who didn’t. Jesus cared so much, in fact, that He gave His life for our redemption. There is no greater love or act of service than laying down one’s life—especially for undeserving people. 

Your purpose is to love and serve others, and when you do, you’ll shine Jesus’ light so brightly that people will want to know Him. Acts of love and service are a way to share the good news about Jesus. Is there someone you can serve today?

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