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Tuscany, Italy. Photo by Charles F. Stanley.
Daily Devotion

Spiritual Experiences: Real or Counterfeit?

If you want to know God deeply and personally, listen to Him.

September 28, 2024

Luke 9:28-37

God sometimes gives us an amazing spiritual experience. And when He does, it’s to reveal truth about Himself. That’s what happened at the Mount of Transfiguration.

As Peter, James, and John stood in the presence of Jesus—God in human flesh—they suddenly saw His divine majesty. Observing Him there with Moses and Elijah, two Old Testament prophets revered by the nation of Israel, they heard a voice from heaven and fell face down in worship (Matt. 17:5-6).

What about us? If we have a spiritual experience, how do we know whether it’s authentic? One way is to realize that the Lord’s purpose for such things is to focus our thoughts on Him. Any spiritual event that magnifies itself or some other activity but does not direct our attention to God is, more than likely, counterfeit. 

Why does God sometimes allow these special glimpses of spiritual realities? He might be motivating us for His purposes or strengthening us to resist future doubt. Or perhaps He is correcting a misperception, such as the idea that He is somewhere far away from us (Ps. 145:18).

God wants to unveil Himself to His people and commune intimately through His Holy Spirit. If you listen to Him, He will.

Bible in One Year: Zephaniah 1-3, Haggai 1-2

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