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Regensburg, Germany. Photo by Charles F. Stanley.
Daily Devotion

Saying Yes to God

Our greatest blessings often flow from choosing to follow the Lord in small, simple ways.

October 7, 2024

Luke 5:1-11

God’s simple requests are often stepping stones to life’s greatest blessings. When Peter said yes to Jesus’ two small requests, his whole mission changed from fisherman to fisher of men.

An unproductive and backbreaking night’s work no doubt left Peter weary (Luke 5:5). Yet he willingly accepted Jesus on board and pushed his boat out from shore so the Lord’s words would carry to the crowd. After delivering His message, the Lord told Peter to head out to deeper water, even though the timing was wrong. Despite the unlikely hour for success, Peter obeyed and was blessed with not one but two loads of fish.

Often God’s blessings result from our compliance with seemingly insignificant requests. If we refuse His prompting to perform minor actions, what reason have we given Him to trust us with a more important responsibility?

Had Peter refused to lend Jesus his boat or risk a midday fishing expedition, he’d have missed the blessing of a big catch—and perhaps even the opportunity to be an apostle. Over the next few years, Peter personally witnessed miracles more spectacular than any he saw that first day. Honoring Jesus’ first request eventually led to the disciple’s sermon at Pentecost—and the salvation of 3,000 souls (Acts 2:14-41).

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