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Glacier National Park, Montana. Photo by Charles F. Stanley.
Daily Devotion

Remaining Faithful

Those who drift away from God will always find Him ready to forgive.

April 3, 2024

1 Kings 11:1-6

God gives wisdom when we ask, but we are responsible for applying that wisdom daily. Let’s consider Solomon again. Despite his great understanding, the later part of his life was marked by a turning away from God. Solomon had clear instruction not to marry foreign women, but he chose to reject God’s wisdom and do it anyway. The influence of those wives eventually led Solomon into the worship of idols.

The unfortunate downfall of the wisest man who ever lived is a helpful warning for us. No matter how strong we think we are, we aren’t above making choices that could cause us to turn away from the Lord. Over time, small decisions to ignore God’s principles can have a devastating cumulative effect: Slight compromises in how we live can put us on a path leading away from God and His perfect plan.

Is there anything in your life that you know shouldn’t be there? Have you been justifying it? If so, ask the Lord for forgiveness and submit that habit, situation, or tendency to Him. He’s waiting with open arms. (See Luke 15:20.) Choose to apply the gift of God’s wisdom to your everyday decisions, today and throughout the entirety of your life. Let’s stay faithful to walk in wisdom at all times.

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