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Patagonia. Photo by Charles F. Stanley.
Daily Devotion

Really Love Others

To impact others with God's love, time and energy are required.

May 30, 2024

Romans 12:9-10

Many of us make it a point to show interest when we’re with other people. We’ve learned how important it is to be cordial, make small talk, and express concern at the right moments, all of which are commendable. But take a moment to consider ways that God might want you to go further.  

Pleasantries and polite chit chat are a good way to break the ice and begin a friendship. But watch for when God might be calling you to strive for something richer. Are you available and willing to go beneath the surface? Loving others well requires sacrifice—an investment of time and heartfelt energy in those relationships. It might involve shifting the calendar to spend time with a friend who needs to talk through a problem. Or it could mean going without an unnecessary purchase in order to bless someone who is hurting financially.

There are times when the Lord wants our relationships to go deeper, even when doing so gets messy. After all, isn’t that exactly what Jesus did with us? He loved us so profoundly that He gave His very life on the cross (Rom. 5:8). Let’s follow His example by giving away a little more of our own life as we commit to truly loving the people around us.

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