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Photo by Charles F. Stanley.
Daily Devotion

Preparation for Praise

The Lord deserves worship that is genuine, wholehearted, and based in truth.

November 7, 2020

John 4:19-24

Worship service is a term often used to describe a Sunday morning gathering of a church. But is real worship actually happening there? God isn’t looking for attendees to fill up the pews; He’s seeking true worshippers.

When Jesus encountered the Samaritan woman, part of their discussion was about religious observance. She was focused on the right place of worship, but Jesus explained that there were two much more important aspects. Genuine worship of God must be done “in spirit and truth” (John 4:23).

Spirit means our praise can never be simply another item on our to-do list. Authentic worship is not an obligation, burden, or some weekly task, but rather a total spiritual recognition of God’s gracious lovingkindness and divine majesty.

Truth means that worship is not just an emotional experience. Unless it is based on the truth of God’s Word, then all we have is a soothing sentimental feeling. And that kind of experience will neither last nor promote the spiritual growth God desires for us.

Take some time this week to do a spiritual checkup. Think about why you attend church. Ask yourself, Is it merely a habit or duty? Am I seeking an experience, or do I honestly come to praise and adore God?

Bible in One Year: John 17-19

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