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Photo by Charles F. Stanley.
Daily Devotion

Our Heavenly Inheritance

Our inheritance in heaven is far more secure than anything we have on earth.

January 10, 2020

1 Peter 1:1-9

Do you have too much stuff? If you’re like most people, the answer is yes. The problem is that whatever we accumulate demands our time and attention. It must be obtained, maintained, organized, and eventually discarded or given away. But nothing comes with us when we die. Our security isn’t found in possessions, but in our relationship with Christ.

Peter assures us that we have an inheritance waiting for us in heaven (1 Peter 1:4)—one that is safe and secure because we’re not the ones guarding it. Our treasure, which is held and protected by God, cannot be stolen or ruined. It is ...

Imperishable. Heavenly treasure will never wear out or need fixing. It’s forever new.

Undefiled. Our inheritance is pure and can’t be spoiled by sin.

Unfading. It’s not affected by the passing of time and will never wear away or become less beautiful.

Our eternal hope is secure—and in God’s presence, everything will be perfect. When life is tough, we can find hope in knowing what awaits us in the future. This awareness increases our desire to live a holy life, because we know the perfection of our destiny: absolute holiness and freedom from sin.

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