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Photo by Charles F. Stanley.
Daily Devotion

Judgment Day for Believers

On the day of judgment Jesus will reward our good deeds.

October 23, 2020

1 Corinthians 3:10-15

Followers of Jesus need not fear judgment day; in fact, Christians can look forward to receiving rewards according to their deeds. But all people would be wise to understand what the Bible says about our approaching time of evaluation.

How will judgment differ for believers and nonbelievers? Everyone who has chosen not to have a relationship with Jesus will suffer eternal separation from God. But believers’ works will be rewarded.

On what basis will Jesus distribute His rewards? Jesus looks at the opportunities God gave us to serve Him (Eph. 2:10), along with the abilities and gifts He provided. He doesn’t expect the same level of achievement or work from everybody—He’ll consider how we responded when God opened a door of service for us and reward accordingly.

What about things we’ve done that weren’t in line with God’s will? Such works are regarded as worthless, so we will miss out on rewards we could have had (1 Corinthians 3:15).

Jesus is righteous, so we can trust that His judgments will be accurate and fair. How do you think He’ll respond to you? I pray you have the courage to follow God’s will and one day receive His rewards with open arms.

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