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Florence, Italy. Photo by Charles F. Stanley.
Daily Devotion

How to Bolster Your Faith

When your faith is wavering, spend extra time in the Word to fill your mind with truth.

September 3, 2024

Colossians 2:6-7

Just because you’ve made up your mind to obey God, that doesn’t mean you won’t ever hesitate or question the wisdom of that decision. So, what should you do when faith wavers?

Ask yourself questions about God, such as: Has God promised to meet all my needs? Has He sent the Holy Spirit to dwell in me, guide me, and equip me to obey Him? Is anything too hard for Him? Search the Scriptures for answers, and let truth fill your mind.

Meditate on God’s Word. Ask the Lord to help you find Bible verses that relate to what you are facing (2 Tim. 3:14-17). Then study the passage and apply its lessons to your life.

Recall the Lord’s past faithfulness. God by His very nature is faithful, and He always acts true to His character. The enemy would have us forget all that God has done for us.

Assess the situation. Ask yourself, How critical is this decision, and whom might it affect?

Choose to trust the Lord. Make the decision to believe God and obey, no matter how you feel.

As you take a step of faith, God will strengthen you through His Spirit and enable you to continue on. Before you know it, your faith will become steady, joy will return, and you will be moving ahead once again.

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