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Portofino, Italy. Photo by Charles F. Stanley.
Daily Devotion

Expressions of Praise

We can worship God anywhere and anytime in many different ways.

March 12, 2025

Psalm 34:1-3

Glorifying the Lord is not limited to worshipping in church. In fact, praise should permeate every aspect of our life. (See Ps. 34:1.)

One obvious way that we praise the Lord is with our voice. We can either speak or sing our worship. The psalmists put adoration into words and set their love to music. True worship also flows from the mouths of believers who are focused upon God’s attributes. They desire to honor Him because of who He is, what He’s done, and what He’s promised for the future (Ps. 29:1-2; Ps. 145:3).

God is also praised when we serve Him. People are created for the purpose of bringing glory and honor to His name. Therefore, nothing should limit our willingness to work for our King, particularly when we have a chance to share Him with others. Christ is honored when His followers speak boldly about His grace and His work—believers’ testimonies are a powerful form of praise that magnifies God’s name.

Jesus Christ is worth more than any treasure this world offers. Loving Him and understanding what He’s done for us should be all the motivation we need to praise Him with our life. We shouldn’t just sing; we should serve His kingdom and share the gospel. May we add to the worship that rings from God’s throne room.

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