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Photo by Charles F. Stanley.
Daily Devotion

Developing Spiritual Discernment

The wisdom in God's Word is more trustworthy than the wisdom in our mind.

January 5, 2021

Titus 1:1-16

In our individualistic society, we may think we don’t need anyone’s help in making decisions, forming convictions, or distinguishing truth from error. But such self-reliance doesn’t lead to true wisdom and spiritual discernment. To know the Lord’s mind about a matter, we must rely on His Word. In the pages of Scripture, God has revealed who He is, how He works, and the way His followers are to deepen both their understanding and their relationship with Him.

God has also appointed leaders in the church to help us develop spiritual discernment. They do this by teaching sound doctrine and refuting any ideas that contradict Scripture. Under the instruction of these mature believers, we can grow in righteousness by learning biblical truths and then applying them.

Since every aspect of life is influenced by our capacity to make wise, godly judgments, it’s essential that we read the Bible and heed the instruction of our pastors. The truths we learn become a filter for everything we see, hear, and experience. Then, if we encounter error, our internal alarm will go off to protect us from deception.

We all need help when it comes to wisdom. So let’s ask the Lord today to guide us away from self-reliance and towards His holy Word.

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