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Photo by Charles F. Stanley.
Daily Devotion

Cry Out to the Lord

Depending on God is more rewarding than depending on ourselves.

December 14, 2020

Psalm 107:23-32

Like the sailors in today’s passage, at some point you will hit great turbulence in your life. Perhaps you are currently experiencing a storm with no end in sight. Your situation may be so serious that you wonder how you’ll ever get through it. You’ve tried everything possible to resolve the matter but to no avail.  

The solution is to do exactly what these sailors did—cry to the Lord in your trouble (Psalm 107:28). After all, He is sovereign over storms and uses them for His good purposes. God knows we sometimes need to reach the end of our own resources before we will turn to Him. Then, if we call out to the Lord and submit to His authority over the storm, He will calm the waves in His perfect timing and guide us to safety.

Remember, the goal is not simply to escape turmoil but to learn to depend on the Lord instead of ourselves. Trusting Him to handle what we cannot will ultimately lead to gladness, thanks, and praise for His lovingkindness and intervention on our behalf. And another wonderful result will be that we tell others how faithful God has been, so they can trust Him, too.

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