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Mountain City, Georgia. Photo by Charles F. Stanley.
Daily Devotion

Building Trust When Faith Is Unsteady

If believing God is difficult in this season of your life, draw closer to Him for the help you need.

September 2, 2024

Mark 9:21-24

Since trust in God is foundational for Christians, the consequences of wavering faith can be far-reaching. Sometimes, after praying for direction, we might receive an answer that leads us to think, I can’t do that. So, instead of obeying and asking God to strengthen our faith, we may choose to postpone or compromise our obedience.

But partial obedience is actually disobedience, and when our faith falters, it can result in poor choices that prove costly. For example, the Israelites wandered 40 years in the desert because the nation allowed unbelief to overtake their faith. Their wavering trust made them miss out on God’s intended blessings.

When we are spiritually unsteady, we can easily be shaken by little things. Instead of standing firm, we may find our confidence eroding. Then we become less willing to take a risk when God asks us to do so. Rather than acting with certainty, we question and doubt what we are hearing from the Lord. We may also find joy diminishing because our wavering faith has led us away from God’s will (Heb. 10:23). The inner peace that we once enjoyed evaporates as our faith weakens.

No matter how unsteady our faith, God invites us to draw near so He can strengthen our trust in Him. When He does, accept His invitation and give Him the glory.

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