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Photo by Charles F. Stanley.
Daily Devotion

Be Still and Rest

God is with you in every moment; you can talk to Him and relax in His presence anytime.

October 6, 2023

Psalm 46:1-11

Today’s passage says, “God is our refuge and strength, a very ready help in trouble … stop striving and know that I am God” (vv. 1, 10). God invites us to cease striving—to “be still” in other translations—and know that He is God. But that’s not easy to do when we feel stressed out.

Everyone experiences stress. Sometimes the load we bear is one of constant struggle; other times it can be an excess of good things stretching us beyond our capacity. Frequently, though, life is a mix of things we’d rather not tackle and some that we desire—such as a school deadline, a new baby, a promotion at work, a weighty decision we have to make ... Through it all, how do we manage our stress in a fruitful way?

Often, what we need to do is pause to rest in Christ’s loving presence. It’s tempting to think of pausing as something we can do only when the conditions are perfect—the right environment, amount of time, or part of the day. But remember that God is with us in every moment. So carving out even the briefest break in our busy schedule can make for a meaningful encounter with Him.

The next time you feel stress building, give yourself a moment to reset. Say a prayer, breathe the air God has given you, and simply rest. The more often you do this, the more of Him you’ll experience—and the less of your worries.

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