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Germany. Photo by Charles F. Stanley.
Daily Devotion

An Invitation to Intimacy

God wants you to be a part of His forever family in heaven.

August 13, 2024

Psalm 139:1-24

God, the Creator of the universe, chooses us. And His purpose in doing so isn’t simply to save us from eternity in hell. His love goes beyond that—He wants an intimate relationship with each one of His children. Building this intimacy requires ...

  • Commitment. God showed His commitment by rescuing us from sin through His Son Jesus, sending the Holy Spirit to live within us, and promising us eternal life. A reasonable response is our pledge to obedience in both inner attitude and outward action.

  • Clear Communication. To develop a close bond, two people will express deep thoughts and feelings, and they’ll also listen carefully to one another’s words. God speaks to us through Scripture about Himself and His plans, and He also stands ready to listen (Ps. 10:17).

  • Openness. God speaks honestly about our nature, the condition of the world, and the only solution: Jesus Christ. He willingly tells us the difficult truths about ourselves but also encourages and affirms us in our efforts to follow Him. Our part consists of being honest with Him about our thoughts, actions, and emotions.

Salvation is only the first step of life in Christ (John 3:16). Have you accepted the invitation to intimacy with God?

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