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Seasons of Prayer

Download these helpful ebooks on topics like anxiety, grief, finances, and more to enrich your prayer life.

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Making Prayer a Priority

There’s never a bad time to take our cares to God. Our heavenly Father is always ready, willing, and waiting for us to reach out to Him, because not only does He listen, but He also wants to speak to us as well. To encourage you in developing a daily habit of prayer, we’ve created this ebook full of Dr. Stanley’s teachings on the subject. We pray it will help you lean on God in every season of life and that you will receive the blessings of communing daily with your heavenly Father.

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Waiting for Answers

Constant prayer can help preserve our faith even in the toughest of circumstances. Although we never know when or how God will act, our dedication to prayer proclaims our faith in the only One who can meet our needs and reveals our belief that “the effective, fervent prayer of a righteous man avails much” (James 5:16 NKJV). That’s why we’ve created this ebook full of Dr. Stanley’s teachings on the subject. We pray it will help you in this season of life as you wait on God to answer your prayers and lead you in His way, in His time.

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Praying for the Lost

Is there someone you love who is currently lost to God? As you pray for your lost friends, relatives, and even enemies, know that God is at work. And, as long as there is breath in one’s lungs, it is never too late for that person to repent at the feet of Jesus and accept His offer of forgiveness and redemption. May this ebook of Dr. Stanley’s teachings on prayer and evangelism comfort and guide you in this season of life, as you pray for the salvation of others and share the good news of Christ with them.

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Persevering Through Trials

There is one thing we are all guaranteed in this life: trouble. It may creep up on us slowly, or blindside us when we least expect it. But whatever the hardship, there is one overarching choice we have to make—to move toward God, or away from Him. There is no standing still. That’s why we’ve created this ebook full of Dr. Stanley’s teachings on adversity. We pray it will help you persevere through trials and encourage you to trust your heavenly Father in seasons of suffering.

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Comfort for the Mourning

It’s one thing to know that God’s got everything handled; it’s something else to actually walk through the valley of death. This ebook full of Dr. Stanley’s teachings has been designed to accompany you in times of sorrow. Whether you find yourself grieving the passing of a loved one or the loss of a dream, we hope this booklet gives you comfort and hope as you pray through the seasons of mourning in your life.

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Our Awesome God

Is God worth worshipping? If we’ve grown up in church or a religious culture, our instinctual response may be “of course,” but we may not be able to say why. That’s why we’ve created this ebook full of Dr. Stanley’s teachings on the nature and character of God. We pray it helps you draw closer to Him, so that in return He will draw closer to you (James 4:8), and that “the more you grow like this, the more productive and useful you will be in your knowledge of our Lord Jesus Christ” (2 Pet. 1:8 NLT)

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Spiritual Warfare

Despite the enemy’s attacks, we can live each day in the victory Christ has won for us. But our ability to stand firm will only be as strong as our relationship with God. This ebook contains many of Dr. Stanley’s teachings on spiritual warfare and was created to enrich your prayer time with God. We pray He uses this ebook to strengthen your faith, protect you from the enemy’s attacks, and remind you of the victory we have in Christ.

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God’s Provision, Our Stewardship

Jesus paid it all. But after we accept His generous gift of salvation, He invites us to pay it forward. That’s why we’ve compiled this ebook full of Dr. Stanley’s teachings on how we can be good stewards of our time, talents, and money. As Solomon wisely noted: “There is one who scatters, and yet increases all the more, and there is one who withholds what is justly due, and yet it results only in want” (Prov. 11:24). We hope the Lord uses this ebook to help you prayerfully make wise decisions regarding your personal resources and to join Christ in living a generous life.

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Our Anxious Thoughts

Each day, Jesus invites us to join Him on the waters of faith. But too often we allow our doubts, fears, and anxieties to turn our eyes away from Him and onto ourselves. That’s why we’ve created this ebook full of Dr. Stanley’s teachings on overcoming anxious thoughts. We hope the Lord uses this ebook to help you overcome seasons of fear and anxiety in your life—and teaches you to walk on the waters of faith with your Savior.

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Knit Together

The people who are woven into our lives can be a great support system for God’s calling on us. Unfortunately, good relationships can be difficult to maintain. In our fallen world, it’s a miracle any two people get along and manage to sustain an amicable connection, much less a genuine affection. That’s why we’ve created this ebook full of Dr. Stanley’s teachings on relationships. We hope the Lord uses this ebook to help you pray through your interactions with others and inspires expressions of gratitude for the people who are truly blessings in your life.

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Healthy Living

If you have accepted God’s gift of salvation, you are not a victim of your circumstances. Jesus said, “I came that they may have life, and have it abundantly” (John 10:10). Even if God doesn’t answer our prayers the way we want Him to, He keeps His promises. That’s why we’ve created this ebook full of Dr. Stanley’s teachings on living a joy-filled, fruitful life. We hope the Lord uses this ebook to help you pray through every aspect of your well-being and blesses you with the abundant life He longs to give to all who call Him Father.

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Grateful Hearts

Many people of various faiths and traditions have proclaimed the benefits of being a grateful person. However, it’s one thing to be grateful for the people and circumstances of our life—it’s something else to be grateful as a child of God. That’s why we’ve created this ebook full of Dr. Stanley’s teachings on thankfulness. We hope the Lord uses this ebook to help you rejoice in all the good He is doing in your life as you pray through every situation with a grateful heart.