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The Courage To Obey

Learn from the life of Joshua how it always benefits us to obey the principles in God's Word.

August 24, 2024

Obeying God is always the right thing to do, but it’s not always the easiest. We need courage—a special quality of mind and spirit that enables us to meet danger, opposition, and challenges with steadfast fearlessness. Using the example of the life of Joshua, Dr. Stanley explains that it always benefits us to obey the principles of the Word of God.

Sermon Outline

Life is full of moments that require bravery, but what if we don’t feel up to the task? This week, Dr. Stanley shares how greatly God moved in the life of Gideon, a man who lacked courage.

Key Passage: Joshua 1:1-9

Supporting Passage: Deuteronomy 34:7; Deuteronomy 34:10-12; Joshua 1:10-11; Joshua 23:1-3; Joshua 23:6-8; Joshua 24:29-31; Judges 21:25; Psalms 32:8; Psalms 119:105; Proverbs 3:5-6; Romans 8:28; 1 John 5:14

To obey God is always the right and wise thing to do, but that doesn’t mean it’s easy.

► “The smartest thing we can possibly do is be obedient to the principles of the Word of God.”

God is in the business of blessing and guiding His children. He’s also ready to encourage us to be obedient to Him.

  • He knows this is the best for us and that it requires courage.

  • Courage is the quality of mind or spirit that enables us to meet the challenges of life with boldness, peace, and resolve.

  • Courage doesn’t mean that we’ll never be afraid, but that we learn to face hard moments with God’s help.

► “God said to Joshua three times, ‘Be strong and of good courage.’ He knew what Joshua would face. God repeats Himself for our protection, wisdom, and guidance.”

Why was Joshua so in need of courage?

  • He was stepping into the shoes of Moses, a great man of God.

  • His task—leading the people into the Promised Land—was daunting.

God’s promises to Joshua are recorded for us in Joshua 1:3-7. He told His servant …

  • The land had already been given to him.

  • No one would ever be able to stand against him.

  • God would be with him, as He’d been with Moses.

  • Israel would take possession of the land.

  • Obedience was the key to success.

► “God wants to make you the best person you can be.”

God directed Joshua to meditate on His Word for success (v. 8). How can we apply that to our life? We must …

  • Read the Bible frequently.

  • Maintain a continuous conversation with God about what we read.

  • Read Scripture as if God is telling us to do something—because He is.

  • Understand that God wants us to succeed, have character, and be the best we can be. He knows what we need.

► “You’d be surprised how very specific the Word of God is in some areas when you’re asking for direction.”

Meditating on the Word of God …

  1. Quiets our spirit.

  2. Purifies our heart.

  3. Sharpens our perception.

  4. Clarifies our direction.

  5. Confirms or cautions our counsel.

  6. Increases our faith.

  7. Guides us to success.

  8. Results in finding and fulfilling God’s calling on our life.

After Watching

  • What is the most daunting challenge you face right now? Ask God to help you handle it successfully.

  • What verses help you in times of trial when you meditate on them?

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