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Peace With Ourselves

Discover how your heavenly Father sees you and learn to love yourself the way He already does.

October 12, 2024

Dr. Stanley reveals the key truths that dismantle the lies of the enemy that say we are unlovable and unacceptable. Discover how God sees you and learn to love yourself the way your heavenly Father already does.

Sermon Outline

Inner peace is the key to experiencing the wholeness Jesus offers to believers. This week Dr. Stanley explains how to discover the things that are essential for a tranquil heart. 

Key Passage: Psalm 34:14

Supporting Passages: Acts 24:15-16; Philippians 4:7; Philippians 4:19

Peace with ourselves is a serenity of soul that comes when we learn to accept ourselves the way we are and realize God has something special planned for us.

► “It is the will of God that we have peace within ourselves. Go after it. Pursue it. Don’t give up until you find it.” 

Those who lack inner peace …

  • Are at war with themselves.

  • Don’t love themselves.

  • Have difficulty accepting compliments.

  • Cannot enjoy their peace with God or with others.

To be at peace with yourself, it is essential to …

1. Receive Christ as your personal Savior.

  • This settles your eternal destiny.

2. Believe in God’s sovereignty.

  • This protects you from the continuing fear for safety.

3. Know that God is going to meet every need you have.

  • Concern is compatible with peace and faith—uncontrollable fear is not.

“You cannot live with fear and peace in your heart at the same time.”

4. Maintain a clear conscience (Acts 24:15-16).

  • Heeding your conscience helps you avoid making mistakes that lead to feelings of guilt.

5. Accept yourself the way God made you.

  • You’re responsible only for what you can change. Remember, God made you and did not make a mistake.

► “When your inside changes, the real you comes out. You’ve discovered inner peace, and you can’t hide it.”

6. Be Christ-centered, not self-centered.

  • This keeps you from being someone who focuses only on personal needs.

  • Self-centered people cannot love others well or have healthy relationships.

  • Those who have Christ as their priority are sensitive to others.

  • Want what He wants and live to please Him. He will give you inner peace beyond comprehension (Phil. 4:7).

After Watching

  • Accept Dr. Stanley’s challenge to identify any areas in your heart that need addressing as you continue to seek inner peace.

  • Each morning before you begin the day, take a few deep breaths and pray these words: Lord, help me to greet the coming day in peace. In Jesus’ name, amen.

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