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Glacier National Park, Montana. Photo by Charles F. Stanley.
Daily Devotion

Speaking Through Disappointments

Our loving heavenly Father may use difficulties to reset our priorities.

September 5, 2024

Numbers 14:17-24

It’s easy to become so focused on someone or something that we’re unable to hear the Lord. In those times, one of God’s most effective methods of getting our attention is through disappointments (Prov. 19:20). But oh, how we dislike this approach!

Disappointment is one of the ways the Lord spoke dramatically to the nation of Israel. In Numbers 13, He directed His people into the Promised Land. However, fear of the inhabitants so invaded their hearts that they refused to enter. As a result, God said the Israelites who were disrespectful would “by no means see the land” (14:23). And the rest would have to wait 40 years.

The postponement was so disheartening that they decided to change their minds. Sadly, it was too late, and the people were distraught with grief. At that moment, do you think God had their attention? Absolutely. The next time He gave Israel a command, don’t you imagine they listened a bit more intently?

We are hesitant to believe that our loving Father could be responsible for our frustrations. Yet God is perfectly willing to use disappointments to realign our thoughts and plans with His. Consider the difficulties you have faced in your own life—and whether the Lord might have been trying to say something in the midst of them.

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