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France. Photo by Charles F. Stanley.
Daily Devotion

Parting Words: Jesus Prays for Us

Before going to the cross, our Savior prayed for the disciples—and He included us too.

March 24, 2024

John 17:20-21

After washing His disciples’ feet and commissioning them to go out into the world—not as conquering kings but as loving servants—Jesus shared His intimate thoughts. He helped them see what this task would look like and the type of troubles they’d face. He helped the men understand what “kingdom of God” meant and why He must leave them for a while. He promised that while He was gone, the Comforter would be with them. And though Jesus said they’d certainly have trouble, He then encouraged them, for He had overcome the world.

Can you imagine sitting at that table, eating that dinner, and looking into Jesus’ eyes as He broke the bread, drank the wine, and shared from His heart?

Then, Jesus prayed one last time for His friends. And not only that—amazingly, He also prayed for all who would believe based on their word (John 17:20). Friend, that means you. That means everyone who’s trusted in Him—Jesus was praying for us, and we have His very words. What could be more precious?

On that terrible night—Jesus’ last night before dying—the one thing He asked was for us to remain unified. For us to be knit together in love so the entire world would recognize Jesus in us. It is a sacred invitation, as important today as it was then.

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