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Hofburg Palace in Vienna, Austria. Photo by Charles F. Stanley.
Daily Devotion

Listening Through Restlessness

Sometimes a sleepless night is a sign that God has something to say.

October 11, 2024

Esther 6:1-11

When we’re too preoccupied to hear God’s voice, He may get our attention by giving us a restless spirit. The book of Esther gives us a wonderful example of this. In the sixth chapter, we see that King Ahasuerus “could not sleep, so he gave an order to bring the book of records” (Est. 6:1). As a result, the king became aware of an assassination plot against him that had been foiled by a man named Mordecai. The ruler made plans to honor him.

What the king didn’t know, however, was that Haman—one of his royal advisors—had targeted the hero Ahasuerus wanted to celebrate. Not only had Haman plotted to hang Mordecai (Est. 5:14), but, as this month’s Bible study explains, he’d also planned to kill all the Jews. Because of Esther’s request (Est. 7:2-4), the king intervened, saving not just Mordecai but the entire Jewish population.

Now, what started this process? It was a restless night. The king did not know why he couldn’t sleep, but we know—he had insomnia because God was trying to get his attention. The Lord had something important to say to Ahasuerus, and His way of getting through to him was an unpleasant night of sleeplessness.

How often has this happened to you? In such moments, ask the Lord, “What is it that You want to tell me?” You’ll discover that God can and will speak to you.

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