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Glacier Bay National Park, Alaska. Photo by Charles F. Stanley.
Daily Devotion

How to End Well

In every season of life, God calls us to serve others.

September 6, 2024

2 Timothy 4:6-8

Many people think about the last years of their life as an opportunity to relax. But this does not fit with God’s purpose for us; He wants us to serve Him throughout all our days.

Let’s look at the apostle Paul’s journey and explore what it means to finish well. He spent time pouring into others until the very end of his life—consider the letter he wrote to Timothy from prison prior to being executed. In every season of life, God calls us to serve others.

Paul was a godly servant whose life was marked by surrender. His mindset is obvious in these words: “Present your bodies as a living and holy sacrifice, acceptable to God, which is your spiritual service of worship” (Rom. 12:1). Paul trusted God to determine everything about his life, including where he would go, what he would do, and when he would die. Death did not scare him, because he knew he would dwell with Jesus forever.

God doesn’t require us to have a perfect life in order to finish strong. We can live abundantly and be ready to meet our Maker by surrendering, walking victoriously with Christ, and serving others. If Jesus called you home today, would you—like Paul—be confident that you lived well until the end? Think about what changes God might be calling you to make.

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