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Glacier National Park, Montana. Photo by Charles F. Stanley.
Daily Devotion

Embrace Your God-Given Gifts

If you want to be a beacon of God's light in the world, serve others.

May 2, 2024

1 Peter 4:7-10

As believers, we’ve been granted special abilities to be used during our time here on earth. First Peter 4:10 says we have a responsibility to respond to this divine grace by serving one another. It’s important to realize these gifts aren’t just for our own advantage—they’re meant to be used generously, impacting the lives of those around us. And God is glorified when we do so in dependence on Him for guidance and strength.

The Lord wants us to recognize our abilities as being from Him, and we’re to use them to sow seeds of love and compassion. When we serve one another, we become vessels of God’s grace, enriching the body of Christ and shining His light in the world.

Think about your talents. What do you love to do? What are the things that make serving a joy and cause you to feel fully alive? These capabilities aren’t just coincidental parts of who you are; they’ve been deliberately bestowed by the Lord.

As outlined in today’s passage, believers are to steward their God-given abilities well, selflessly using them to benefit others (Eph. 4:11-12). So, embrace your gifts with humility and appreciation. And utilize them to uplift those around you, heal wounds, and spread God’s love.

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