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Snowy Bridge, Sedona, Arizona. Photo by Charles F. Stanley.
Daily Devotion

Avoiding Obstacles to Effective Prayer

God blesses those who earnestly and honestly seek Him through prayer.

July 23, 2024

Psalm 5:1-3

Some of David’s prayers are recorded in the book of Psalms. He praised the Lord, confessed sin, and cried out about his troubles. To pursue a rich prayer life like David’s, we must avoid certain hindrances, such as:

• Wavering faith (James 1:5-8). Doubts about God’s character or dependability diminish our trust in Him. Therefore, we must not allow feelings to dictate what we believe.

• Wrong motives (James 4:3). We can’t expect an affirmative answer when petitions are motivated by selfish desires. God wants us to pray for His will to be done—not ours.

• Conflict in relationships. Being resentful or argumentative with others will affect communication with the Father.

• Lack of generosity (Prov. 21:13). God is displeased when we ignore people’s needs or give begrudgingly.

• Indifference (Prov. 28:9). Apathy to the Scriptures is another stumbling block. God has given us the Bible so that we might know Him and serve Him wholeheartedly.

If your prayers have not been answered, consider which, if any, of the above issues may need correction. Then, try personalizing the prayers that you read in the Psalms or elsewhere in God’s Word.

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